भाषा बदलें
हमें कॉल करें : 08045475405

चेहरे का मास्क

हम यहां सर्वोच्च गुणवत्ता वाले सर्जिकल और गैर बुने हुए फेस मास्क की एक जबरदस्त रेंज प्रदान करने के लिए हैं, जो उच्च श्रेणी के गैर-बुने हुए कपड़े का उपयोग करके हमारे कुशल पेशेवरों की देखरेख में बनाए गए हैं। ये डिस्पोजेबल हैं और उपयोग के बाद इन्हें आसानी से डंप किया जा सकता है। इसके अलावा, हमारे पेश किए गए उत्पादों में हल्की बनावट होती है जो त्वचा को कोमल महसूस कराती है। सर्जिकल प्रक्रियाओं और ऑपरेशन के दौरान अस्पतालों में इनका सबसे अधिक उपयोग किया जाता है। फेस मास्क ढीले-ढाले होते हैं जो पहनने वाले को परेशानी मुक्त तरीके से सांस लेने में सक्षम बनाते हैं। इनका उपयोग ऑपरेशन के दौरान बीमारियों और कीटाणुओं को रोकने के लिए किया जाता है। इसके अलावा, उक्त उत्पादों को गोल इयर लूप के साथ चित्रित किया गया है, जिसके कारण ये आवरण मुंह, ठोड़ी और नाक को ठीक से ढंकते हैं।


1) ये नर्सिंग होम, सबवे, आपातकालीन कमरे आदि में पाए जाते हैं.
2) हमारे कवरिंग में हल्के वजन के साथ-साथ चिकनी बनावट भी होती है।
3) आसानी से पहना जा सकता है, हटाया जा सकता है और निपटाया जा सकता है।
4) ये अलग-अलग रंगों, आकारों और डिज़ाइनों में उपलब्ध हैं।

सर्जिकल फेस मास्क

Our firm is engaged in rendering optimum quality Surgical Face Mask which is worn by the doctors or examiners during health care procedures for the prevention of microorganisms. It is prepared by using top grade non woven fabric and modern weaving techniques. This product is appreciated for its loose-fitting which helps the user breathe properly during the medical procedure. Surgical Face Mask is easy to wear and can be disposed off due to its disposable qualities. In addition to this, the said product has rounded ear loops which helps in covering mouth, chin and nose properly.

एसएमएस फेस मास्क

Specification : Brand : "JIYAï Material : SMS Fabric, Non Woven Color : Medical Blue Ply : 2 Ply, 3 PLy , 4 Ply Stitching : Ultrasonic Stitching Usage/Application: Hospital, Clinic, Pharma, Lab

डिस्पोजेबल फेस मास्क

Our firm is engaged in rendering optimum quality Elastic Face Mask which is worn by the doctors or examiners during health care procedures for the prevention of microorganisms. It is prepared by using top grade non woven fabric and modern weaving techniques. This product is appreciated for its loose-fitting which helps the user breathe properly during the medical procedure. Elastic Face Mask is easy to wear and can be disposed off due to its disposable qualities. In addition to this, the said product has rounded ear loops which helps in covering mouth, chin and nose properly.

किड्स फेस मास्क

Our Kids Face Mask are examples of a personal protective device that protects the wearer against airborne particles and liquids that contaminate the face. It is crucial to understand that a mix of actions from throughout the control hierarchy is the best approach to avoid airborne transmission and not simply from PPE. An airborne Kids Face Mask is an appliance developed to provide a very close face appearance and very effective airborne particles filtering. A seal around the mouth and nose is meant to be made on the edges of the respirator.

डस्ट मास्क

Specification: Brand : "JIYA " Material : Non Woven Fabric Color : Yellow Stitching : Ultra sonic Stitching Usage/Application: Chemical, Pharma

N95 फेस मास्क

Our JIYA N95 Face Masks are examples of a personal protective device that protects the wearer against airborne particles and liquids that contaminate the face. It is crucial to understand that a mix of actions from throughout the control hierarchy is the best approach to avoid airborne transmission and not simply from PPE. An airborne N95 Face Mask is an appliance developed to provide a very close face appearance and very effective airborne particles filtering. A seal around the mouth and nose is meant to be made on the edges of the respirator. Surgical N95 Respirators, also referred to as N95, are frequently used in medical facilities and are a subset.

दाढ़ी का मुखौटा

Specification: Brand : "JIYA " Material : Non-Woven Color : Medical Blue/White Size : 18 Gsm : 10 Gsm Stitching : Ultrasonic Stitching Usage/Application: Hospital, clinic, Pharma, La

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